2012.09-2017.06: 北京大学,环境科学,博士
2009.09-2012.07: 西安科技大学,地图学与地理信息系统,硕士
2004.09-2008.07: 山东理工大学,资源环境与城乡规划管理,学士
2015.01-2016.01: 多伦多大学,物理与环境科学系,访问学者
2010.09-2012.08: 北京大学,环境科学与工程学院,研究助理
2020.12-至今: 清华大学,智库中心/生态文明研究中心,助理研究员
2018.04-2020.10: 清华大学,环境学院,博士后
2017.07-2018.03: 北京大学,环境科学与工程学院,研究助理
1. 北京市自然科学青年基金—基于环境DNA的水生态系统生物多样性与功能稳定维持机制研究—以京津冀地区为例(No. 5204034),2020-2021,主持
2. 工程院重大咨询—全面脱贫后美丽乡村建设的工程技术战略研究,2021-2021,技术骨干
3. 工程院重大咨询—全球气候变化背景下我国湖库富营养化应对及饮用水安全保障,2021-2021,技术骨干
4. 前郭县查干湖旅游经济开发区项目管理办公室—查干湖生态保护与生态旅游协同发展总体规划,2020-2021,技术骨干
5. 嘉兴市生态环境局—污染防治项目(水生态保护与修复规划及实施方案),2021-2022,技术骨干
6. 茅台集团—影响茅台酒酿造微生态的环境变量及承载研究,2021-2023,技术骨干
7. 中科院生态中心—白洋淀环境治理与生态修复,2020-2021,技术骨干
8. 工程院重大咨询—提升长江大保护实施效率和综合治理体系的战略研究,2019-2020,技术骨干
9. 工程院重大咨询—京津冀生态环境一体化保护与综合治理对策研究(2035),2018-2019,技术骨干
10. 北京市科委—城市副中心及周边地区水生态演化特征与承载力提升技术途径研究,2018-2020,技术骨干
11. 三峡集团—长江流域典型城市保护修复科技支撑体系及典型范例研究,2020-2023,技术骨干
12. 茅台集团—赤水河重要河段特征污染物时空分布规律及其水环境保护策略研究,2019-2020,技术骨干
13. 永胜县政府—程海湖水环境综合治理与保护总体规划,2018-2019,技术骨干
14. 宁夏首创—固原清水河水生态健康评估与管理对策,2018-2019,技术骨干
15. 国家重点研发计划—沙化土地稳定修复生态机理及关键生物技术,2016-2019,技术骨干
16. 珠海市环境保护监测站—港珠澳大桥综合观测站设计研究2016-2017,技术骨干
17. 福州环保局—琅岐岛生态红线分析与划定技术研究. 2014-2015,技术骨干
18. 环保公益性行业科研专项—石油污染土壤生态毒性微生物传感快速检测技术与方法研究,2013-2015,参与
19. 国家水专项—滇池流域水生态功能三四级分区研究,2012-2015,技术骨干
20. 国家水专项—滇池流域水生态功能一二级分区研究,2010-2012,技术骨干
21. 国家水专项—基于水生态功能分区实施机制与政策研究,2010-2012,参与
1. Xiaofeng Cao, Xiaoyan Xu, Rui Bian et al.(2020)Sedimentary ancient DNA metabarcoding delineates the contrastingly temporal change of lake cyanobacterial communities. Water Research. 183, 116077
2. Xiaofeng Cao, Yajun Wang, Yan Xu et al. (2020). Adaptive and distinct variations of sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in a regulated urban river. Water, 12, 1344
3. Xiaofeng Cao, Liwei Chai, Dalin Jiang et al. (2018). Loss of biodiversity alters ecosystem function in freshwater streams: potential evidence from benthic macroinvertebrates. Ecosphere, 9(10), e02445.
4. Xiaofeng Cao, Jie Wang, Jingqiu Liao et al. (2017). Bacterioplankton Community Responses to Key Environmental Variables in Plateau Freshwater Lake Ecosystems: A Structural Equation Modeling and Change Point Analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 580: 457-467
5. Xiaofeng Cao, Jie Wang, Dalin Jiang et al. (2017). Establishment of stream nutrient criteria by comparing reference conditions with ecological thresholds in a typical eutrophic lake basin. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 19(12): 1554-1562.
6. Xiaofeng Cao, Jie Wang, Jingqiu Liao et al. (2016). The threshold responses of phytoplankton community to nutrient gradient in a shallow eutrophic lake. Ecological Indicators, 61:258-267
7. Xiaofeng Cao, Yi Huang, Jie Wang, Shengji Luan. (2012). Research status and trends in limnology journals: a bibliometric analysis based on SCI database. Scientometrics, 92:735–746.
8. Hongwei Yu, Weixiao Qi, Xiaofeng Cao, Jingwen Hu, Yang Li, Jianfeng Peng, Chengzhi Hu, Jiuhui Qu. (2021). Microplastic residues in wetland ecosystems: Do they truly threaten the plant-microbe-soil system?. Environmental International. 156, 106708
9. Yu, H., Peng, J., Cao, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Xu, Y., & Qi, W. (2021). Effects of microplastics and glyphosate on growth rate, morphological plasticity, photosynthesis, and oxidative stress in the aquatic species Salvinia cucullata. Environmental Pollution, 279, 116900.
10. Wang, Y., Tang, Y., Xu, Y., Yu, H., Cao, X., Duan, G., ... & Peng, J. (2021). Isotopic dynamics of precipitation and its regional and local drivers in a plateau inland lake basin, Southwest China. Science of The Total Environment, 763, 143043.
11. Yajun Wang, Jianfeng Peng, Xiaofeng Cao et al. (2019). Isotopic and chemical evidence for nitrate sources and transformation processes in the aquifer of a closed plateau lake watershed, China. Science of the Total Environment, 711,134856
12. Jingqiu Liao, Xiaofeng Cao, Jie Wang et al. (2016). Similar community assembly mechanisms underlie similar biogeography of rare and abundant taxa in lakes on Yungui Plateau, China. Limnology & Oceanography, 62(2): 723-735
13. Jingqiu Liao, Xiaofeng Cao, Lei Zhao et al. (2016). The importance of neutral and niche processes for bacterial community assembly differs between habitat generalists and specialists. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92(11), fiw174.
14. Jie Wang, Xiaofeng Cao, Jinhua Sun et al. (2015). Disruption of endocrine function in H295R cell in vitro and in zebrafish in vivo by naphthenic acids. Journal of hazardous materials, 299, 1-9.
15. Jie Wang, Xiaofeng Cao, Jinhua Sun et al. (2015). Transcriptional responses of earthworm (Eisenia fetida) exposed to naphthenic acids in soil. Environmental Pollution, 204, 264-270.
16. Jie Wang, Xiaofeng Cao, Yi Huang, Xiaoyan Tang. (2015). Developmental toxicity and endocrine disruption of naphthenic acids on the early life stage of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Applied Toxicology, 35(12):1493-1501.
17. Jingqiu Liao, Lei Zhao, Xiaofeng Cao et al. (2016). Cyanobacteria in lakes on Yungui Plateau, China are assembled via niche processes driven by water physicochemical property, lake morphology and watershed land-use. Scientific Reports, 6.
18. Cao Xiaofeng, Hu Chengzhi, Qi Weixiao et al. 2019. Strategies for water resources regulation and water environment protection in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Strategic Study of CAE. https://doi.org/10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.05.008 (英文版)
19. 曹晓峰,胡承志,齐维晓,郑华,单保庆,赵勇,曲久辉. 京津冀区域水资源及水环境调控与安全保障策略. 中国工程科学. 2019, 21(5): 130-136 (中文版)
20. 高喆,曹晓峰*,李发荣,黄艺. 滇池流域水生态功能一二级分区研究.湖泊科学. 2015, 27(1): 175-182.
21. 高喆, 曹晓峰*, 樊灏, 蒋大林,黄艺. 滇池流域入湖河流水文形貌特征对丰水期大型底栖动物群落结构的影响. 生态环境学报. 2015, 24(7): 1209-1215.
22. 曹晓峰, 孙金华, 黄艺. 滇池流域土地利用景观空间格局对水质的影响. 生态环境学报. 2012, 21(2):364-369
23. 孙金华, 曹晓峰, 黄艺. 滇池水质时空特征及与流域人类活动的关系.湖泊科学. 2012, 24(3): 347-354
24. 孙金华,曹晓峰,黄艺. 滇池流域土地利用对入湖河流水质的影响.中国环境科学. 2011, 31(12): 2052-2057
25. 苏玉,曹晓峰,黄艺. 应用底栖动物完整性指数评价湖泊流域入湖河流生态系统健康.湖泊科学. 2013, 25(1): 91-98
26. 廖静秋, 曹晓峰, 汪杰, 黄艺. 基于化学与生物复合指标的流域水生态系统健康评价-以滇池为例. 环境科学学报. 2014, 34(7): 1845-1852.
27. 柴立伟, 曹晓峰, 张洁清, 黄艺. “爱知目标”后《生物多样性公约》履约趋势分析和对策. 生态与农村环境学报. 2015, 31(1): 7-11.
28. 高喆, 曹晓峰, 樊灏, 蒋大林,黄艺. 基于保护目标制定的湖泊流域入湖河流河段划分方法—以滇池流域为例. 环境科学学报. 2016, 36(3): 1070-1079.
29. 蒋大林,曹晓峰,匡鸿海,蔡满堂,黄艺,尹春燕. 生态保护红线及其划定关键问题浅析. 资源科学. 2015,37(9): 1755-1764.
1. 黄艺, 曹晓峰, 等, 2018. 滇池流域水生态功能分区研究. 科学出版社.
2. 黄艺, 曹晓峰, 等, 2018. 滇池流域水生态系统状态与健康评估. 科学出版社.
3. 曹晓峰, 黄艺. 2010. 适应气候变化的脆弱性和影响性评估, 环境综合评估培训手册(第二册), 联合国环境规划署.(译著)